- One POC ONLY and share all appropriate information with those tasked to event.
- Request subject to approval. If you have not received a reply within 7 days, contact ASOM POC to obtain status.
- Requestor will contact ASOM POC for approval of any changes to this request.
- ASOM is closed for maintenance/cleaning every Monday.
- Requestor is responsible for providing all required equipment to include tables, chairs, flags, etc.
- ASOM does not provide AV support. Requestor must bring all projectors, computers, PA systems etc.
- Due to requirements, space and high demand, events are limited to two-hour time blocks. This includes set-up and cleaning up.
- Requestor will clean the area and remove all trash from inside and outside of the facility.
- Absolutely no food or drink allowed either inside the museum or in the reflection garden, except for bottled water. This includes any type of alcohol.
- Ceremonies involving the Honor Guard detail must have prior approval.
- Ceremonies must be held during normal operating hours, Tue – Friday, 1000 -1600 only.
- Early access for setup not authorized; this includes setting up before your scheduled time slot.
- The ASOM is a public institution, the event cannot disrupt normal museum operations or public access.
- ASOM front doors will remain locked until museum opening time at 1000.
- Events must be concluded, area cleaned etc. NLT 1600.
- Flowers: Handheld only, no large arrangements
By signing this form, you and your guests acknowledge that you understand the rules and requirements of the ASOM regarding us hosting your event, to include the proper area to park.
I understand this is a legal representation of my signature.